Planning To Move House

Planning To Move House

28Nov 2014

It cannot be stressed enough how much stressful moving house can get. So much so that by the time the day finally arrives and is done with, you want to announce to the world that you have had a major accomplishment. The only way to escape the chaotic hassle of moving day is to plan your journey well ahead of time and divide everything that needs to be done in smaller tasks. Below, we have done all the hard work for you and given you tips to help you get through the removal smoothly. PlanningAs you might have already discovered, there is a lot to consider and do at every step of your house move. Begin planning your move as soon as possible. Some of the key tasks that will need to be prioritized include hiring a conveyancing solicitors, removals companies and man and van hire, insurance, etc. Divide the work into a weekly timeline and aim to tick off all the ones listed for a particular week. Beginning to plan early means that you will have enough time in hand to do sufficient research online or in person, ensuring that you get the best deal at every step of the move. OrganisingOnce you have a plan ready, you will feel in better control of the move. Beginning from the tasks that need to be addressed first, work down your priority list and accomplish each task. For example, narrow down your search list and pick a removal company that gives you the services you need at a good quote. Sort through your stuff and determine the things that you will be taking with you; you will probably have to sort and filter through it several times before you are happy with the final lot. If you are in need of special services not provided by your moving company, select the appropriate handymen to help you tackle the jobs around the house you are leaving or moving to. Accomplish tasks as and when you have time and the resources to complete it. Notify peopleTwo or three weeks before the confirmed moving day, make sure you let everyone know that you are no longer going to be available at your address. Some of those who make it to the list first are your utilities companies – water, gas, electricity, the bank, the post office, employer, friends and family and other subscriptions you might have registered with. You might also want to arrange for a postal redirection service at the Post Office and ask your new tenants to forward any wrongly addressed mail to your new address. On Moving dayBefore the moving day, you will have packed up most of your belongings but there might be some essentials that you will need until the last day and can only be packed into boxes right before the move. Before you leave, make sure that you have switched off all utility services, packaged and labeled your crates safely and securely and taken the final readings (at both properties). It is always a good idea to take picture of the property – before and after – as evidence for future litigations, etc. Make sure that the moving company has carried the last of the boxes out of your new house and that you are not leaving anything behind. If you are moving out of the country, you might also want to resolve the required custom paperwork and have it handy for your removal company to use on transit.  We hope that this list will give you a good way of prioritizing and achieving a successful relocation.

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